More Coming Soon! Reach out to for committee application details. Applications are due October 1st, 2023 at 11:59pm.
Bailey Newberry
Co- Chair
Junior | Health Promotion, Pre-Medicine

Sahithi Narmnada
Junior | Neuroscience, Pre-Medicine
Cameron Ball
Marketing Committee
Freshman | Chemistry, Pre-Medicine

Caroline Sosenko
Marketing Committee
Sophomore | Human Physiology, Psychology Minor, Pre-PA
Theodore Retsinas
Marketing Committee
Sophomore | Neuroscience Pre-Medicine

General/Fundraising Committee
General/Fundraising Committee
General/Fundraising Committee
General/Fundraising Committee
Workshop/Speaker Outreach
Workshop/Speaker Outreach
Workshop/Speaker Outreach
Workshop/Speaker Outreach
Admissions Outreach
Admissions Outreach
Admissions Outreach
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